8 04 2010

My daughter left for Louisiana two days ago. I miss her like crazy already. It’s been so nice to have her home the past three months. She had been away at college for three and a half years.

It was nice having her here every morning to talk to. It was inspiring to want to set an example for her in terms of work ethic. I felt warm just being reconnected with my first born.

The last two days, I have been in a daze. I have been experiencing the doldrums for two days. Tonight, I forced myself to go to the Glendora BOM. I did the 4-10 part of the presentation. In the audience were two of the stupidest rotten apples you’ll ever run across.

They wanted to know how much they I was going to pay them to go to training. They asked if I would front them the $499, since it’s such a great opportunity. The whole thing was amazingly amusing. I haven’t dealt with such stupidity in quite awhile.

I told them that there are three parts to the ACN equation. We know the Compensation Plan works. We know the products and services work. The only REAL variable in the equation is them, we have no idea if THEY work.

When you’ve been in MLM as long as I have, no one is going to surprise you with any stroke of brilliance. I’ve seen and heard it all. I entertained Beavis and Butthead’s questions for a few minutes because I wasn’t quite sure if they really were just “slow” or if they were attempting to be funny.

After a few minutes, it was obvious that they were just too “smart” for me. I told them that they were obviously intent on being employees and that this wasn’t for them, nor were they who we are looking for. And with that? I dismissed them.

The whole thing made me laugh. It shook me out of the daze of funk I had been in the last two days. So I’m thankful they showed up.

Goodnight Beavis.

Goodnight Butthead.



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