28 09 2009

roosterWe all have one.

That list of people who (because of their influence)  we know that “if” they were to happen to get involved in our business, could lead to a lot of people. I’d like to think that I’m above it. But as I go thru my list, there are people that I put off calling for a “more appropriate” time.

James is a friend of mine who owns his own business. He is an intelligent, witty if not smug (at times) man in his early fifties. He is analytical but friendly. He also has a tremendous amount of influence with a specific circle of friends of ours. If I had to venture a guess? I would have figured that there would be no way that James would be interested in ACN.

The one thing that we all learn in MLM is that we should not prejudge people.

“Those you think will? Won’t! Those you think won’t? Will!”

So I approached James from the perspective of asking him for his opinion on a business venture. James loves to give his opinions. So I edified my upline Team Coordinator Rich, and put us on a three-way call. Rich was masterful in his approach and handled James’ sufficient ego with the skill of a craftsman.

James had confided in me that his business had slowed down to the point where they have closed down shop on Fridays. He comes in to answer the phones each Friday so that none of his clients are aware that they are dark those days. That should tell you that business must be off by at least 20% if they have to close one day a week.

As Rich spoke to James though? It was a different story. James volunteered to Rich that he had all the money and the time in the world. Everything is hunky-dory. Rich took a couple more stabs at piercing James’ “veil of illusion,” to no avail. Pride is a tough wall to hurdle.

So the end result? James was not even interested in even meeting Rich and I for a cup of coffee to even take a look at ACN. Sometimes those you think won’t? Don’t! It doesn’t change anything. You can’t prejudge in this business.